Why iOS Mobile Application Development Earns Higher Revenues from AppStores?
There is a proliferation in the number of mobile apps as we see an increasing number of smartphone users in this era of mobility. We see that these devices are smart with their capability to get connected to the internet. The power of such mobile devices are harnessed by the users as more and more people are adopting these mobile apps for doing some of their daily activities like online shopping, playing games and making payment over the devices. The mobile application development market in India, just like any other global companies are finding an unprecedented growth. The apps are the natural choice of people as they make your life easier and are also easy to use. There are various platforms for developing these mobile apps, which ensures the best of user expectations and customer satisfaction for its targeted audience.
The global smartphone marketplace is dominated by Android, with 84.1% and the availability of 2.2 billion mobile apps available in Google Play Store. Despite all these figures the vendor’s choice remains as the iOS platform. This is reason for which the global mobile application development market is dominated by the iOS application development companies.
Here are some of these reasons for the choice of iOS based mobile application development:
1. User Experience
Dedicated user base for the iPhone users is meant to make them loyal customers. We see a heightened user experience with this OS from Apple, preferred by the mobile app developers.
2. Generates Higher App Revenue
iPhones are always targeted for the premium marketplace and with higher incomes. So, they will always go for better services tools, even that means that it costs higher costs. The higher is the monetization better is the result obtained, with increase in the amount of revenue.
The users of iOS devices are also likely to purchase apps and make in-app purchases. The closed nature of the iOS will makes it hard to pirated when compared with the Android apps.
3. Quality of the Apps
iOS is a closed platform as Apple has a total control over its software and devices. They are their own designers whether for software or hardware, allowing strict guidelines on their interactions. The reason for which iOS is preferred by the developers for mobile application development is due to the limited number of devices that are available as well as not much difference from the previous hardware versions. Device fragmentation of the Android devices are found to be more useful. Moreover, it is easy for the iOS users to get the latest version of OS, which accounts for a higher rate of adoption in comparison with the Android OS.
4. Complexities
It is easier to build the UI/UX of the iOS devices. In fact, it is user-friendly and has easier frameworks to work with. This in turn gives better user experience.
5. Review Process
Although the review process for developing iOS apps is much longer, it develops quality apps, which is due to mandatory strict guidelines to be followed by Apple while using the iOS platform.
6. Lesser Bugs
The limited number of iOS based devices, easier is it to develop bugs with fewer number of bugs. This happens to be one of the greatest advantage of the OS from Apple. Apples also requires lesser number of codes that results in lesser bugs generated.
7. Developer Tools
Apple comes with faster and firmer tools and has better developer tools for mobile application development, when placed in comparison with other platforms.
8. Higher App Store Visibility
The App Stores from Apple are organized into categories and have ranking using a complex algorithm. There are ratings and reviews in the iTunes App Store, which makes it easy to choose the apps.
The Android based devices are higher in number in comparison with the iOS devices, so they offer the stiffest competition for this OS from Apple. But, the quality of apps is higher for iOS based devices, as these are used by the higher income and the affluent users.
Appinventiv, is one of the top mobile app developers in USA, which has witnessed a stupendous growth in well above two years time. Their success lies in the fact that they are working with the latest technological advancements, related to mobile application development and has experience in working across diverse platforms.

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