Top 8 Legal Issues to Consider to Protect your App in 2021

We are living in the ‘app age’ and that means there is literally an app for everything. The advent of mobile apps have transformed the way we…

A Brief Overview of the Evolution of Legal Technology Sector

Imagine you are in court, fighting a controversial legal case that could be a landmark in the history of law. You turn towards the counsel table to…

How to Find a Legal Tech Service Provider for Business Needs?

“How do I find the best legal tech service provider?” “Which is the best legal software development agency to connect with?” With an uprise in the role…

Why Do Small Legal Teams Need Legal Operations Software?

For the past many years, in-house lawyers remained the table turners for businesses. These professionals, with comprehensive knowledge of laws and regulations, have helped established companies in…

What’s the Role of Technology in the Legal Sector?

Over the last five decades, the legal industry has undergone a significant transformation. What was once seen as a closely-knit profession has now become a global enterprise…