Tips for Mobile App Development Company to Prevent Uninstallation of Their App!
Success of a mobile app is not determined by the no. of downloads, but it is measured by the no. of users still using the app. Nowadays, there are a plenty of options with users for the same purpose, making it a big challenge for the app developers to build an app that the users do not uninstall. If you are into the mobile app development and wish to know why users uninstall an app so as to make a mobile application with better user engagement.
Consider the following reasons shared by AppInventiv- top-rated mobile app development company:
1. Larger size:
A user might find your mobile application interesting but it consumes a large memory space, they will find no time to replace your app with a ‘smaller-sized’ alternative. So, one must build a mobile app with less memory space demand.
2. Poor loading and Complicated login:
Poor loading and complicated login irritates the users and this result in the uninstallation of the app. To make it certain that users love to use your mobile app, a mobile app development company or an app developer must put an initiative to make the whole process easy. The speed of loading can be increased by reducing the size of the app and the login can be made easier by allowing users to log in using their Google or social media accounts.
3. Ads in-between the app:
Most of the mobile app developers include advertisements in their ‘free to download’ mobile app so as to earn money, but they forget that this affects the kind of user experience they wished to deliver to the customers. The best solution to this is to include ads in such a way that it does not interfere the app’s functionality.
4. Too many permissions:
Many users uninstall the apps if they ask for too many permissions. People, nowadays, are more cautious about their security and do not download or use any app that asks for access to too many resources. A mobile app development company or an app developer must keep in mind that permissions asked should be concise and relevant; the app should not ask for any detail that won’t be get used anywhere in the mobile application.
5. Battery Management:
Apps with higher battery consumption and overheating issues are at the higher risk of getting uninstalled, as users do not like to charge their phones again & again just because of an app.
6. Continuous notifications:
Sending push notifications is a great way to remain in touch with user and make him/her enjoy better mobile app development services/ user experience, but when it is done on a continuous level, the user gets annoyed and uninstalls the app to enjoy peace of mind.
7. Unfulfilled promises:
In the urge to provide more & more services to users, developers usually forget what was the prime goal of developing the app. When customers find that the mobile app is not providing the functionality it was meant to be, they feel cheated and uninstall the app soon. The best way to prevent this is to develop a single-purpose mobile application with simple and easy-to-understand UI interface.
Now, as you know the different things that trigger the users to uninstall the app and restrict the success of your mobile app, put a little more efforts in providing the best mobile app development services. And to get to know more about such tips, feel free to contact Appinventiv the fastest growing mobile app development company with a proven track of developing more than 230 mobile apps, ranking on the top on Google and iOS app stores.

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